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Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)

EYFS is a framework for children up to the age of five, setting out six key areas of learning around which activities should be based. It covers the welfare and development of children. The welfare section covers:
  • Basic checks, such as ensuring staff have undergone all relevant security checks
  • Facilities and equipment safe and suitable for children
  • Quality of the environment. eg. there should be some access to outdoor space
The development section covers:
  • Personal, social and emotional development
  • Communication, language and literacy
  • Problem solving, reasoning and literacy
  • Knowledge and understanding of the world
  • Physical development
  • Creative development.


CACHE, the UK’s leading sector specialist is continually investing in high quality qualifications for the care and education industry.

Taito Centre Network

Taito Education through their satellite centers offers "License to Practice" teacher training qualifications from UK.




Consultancy Program - EDGE

Taito Education is committed to improving student achievement by providing the ideal educational eco system for schools and Early Years provisions world wide.

Teacher Training Qualifications

Taito Education in partnership with awarding bodies (CAHCE, CIQ,...) based in UK prepares training centers to deliver their qualifications with ease.

K12 Solutions

Taito Education in partnership with international providers world wide offers K12 Content, Curriculum and Assessment Solutions that can be customised to suit the need of clients. If there is any solution possible, we have it. If not, we will discover it.